
5 Nursery Room Mistakes You Need to Avoid

November 26, 2021
Nursery Room

Congratulations! If you’re reading this blog you are probably expecting a new little one in your life and it’s time to start thinking about decorating the nursery. Whether you’re a first-time parent or are already an established mom, those prenatal nerves get the better of all of us. And one of these worries is making sure the nursery is the best it can be for the new member of your family! That’s why I have written this article about the 5 mistakes you need to avoid when getting the nursery ready.

From choosing furniture that will be outdated by the time they reach 2 years old, hanging ultra-thin curtains, painting near the birthdate and more. There are a number of things to stay well away from but these are the top 5 I feel are most important.

Furniture that is only appropriate for babies

Nursery Room Furniture

When it comes to choosing furniture, don’t just go for baby items. There’s no need to pay for decor that will only last through the baby stage and then need replacing soon down the line. For instance, you don’t need to buy a changing table. Simply repurpose or buy yourself a cabinet such as in the room above. Place a changing mat on top of it and this is all you need to make changing your baby easy. Just make sure it is the perfect height for you. Too high or too low will make your back ache!

For storage, choose sensible neutral drawers and units that will last throughout their childhood and even teenage years! Think of the future rather than the now. If ever they get bored of their furniture, you can always give it a fresh lick of paint!

Have nowhere to sit

There is not a worse tip than this. By not having anywhere to sit in the nursery, you will be exhausted. Having a comfy armchair in your baby’s room will be your best friend in the early morning when giving them a feed. It’s somewhere you can snooze in whilst watching your baby sleep soundly in their cot. It’s basically a must-need item for any parent’s welfare. If you’re well, then your baby will be well too. Don’t forget that!

Again, choose a neutral-toned armchair that can be used in any other room once you no longer need it in the nursery. Or why not even repurpose a chair that you already have in the home? If it doesn’t suit your baby room color scheme, just buy a gorgeous throw and cushions to give it a completely new look!

Nursery wallpaper that will be quickly outgrown

Nursery wallpaper

There’s nothing worse than installing wallpaper in the nursery that they will outgrow by the time they go to school. You need to choose a gender-neutral, simple wallpaper design that will look just as good and be loved by them even as they reach the teenage years! Something like this Doodle Street wallpaper mural with its black, white and grey tones look fantastic in this simple nursery.

The beauty of a monochrome design is that you can add colourful additions to your heart’s content! So when your little one is old enough to have decided their favourite colour is yellow, all you need to do is simply add yellow accessories into the room! Yellow bedding and curtains to match, a fluffy yellow rug and you could even paint the surrounding walls in the same tone too! With 100s and 100s of nursery designs, are certainly one to follow if you want a timeless nursery wallpaper for your baby’s first ever bedroom!

Choose thin curtains


Of course, a baby’s quality of sleep is crucial and making sure the light in the room is perfect is key. To do this, you need to make sure you have chosen good quality curtains – not thin curtains! If you really want thin curtains for aesthetic reasons, make sure you have black-out blinds as well to block out the daylight when baby is napping during the day. Otherwise, opt for thick, blackout curtains. By making this extra effort you will make all the difference to your baby’s growth and your mood! If there’s one thing that is most important in a new parent’s life, it’s sleep!

Paint the room near to baby’s arrival

Painting the baby’s nursery close to their birthdate is a big no-no! When paint is applied to a wall it releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. Not only do they smell bad, but they are bad for our health. They make eyes water and cause irritation in the throat and nose – something we really don’t want to be exposing to your newborn. Not only this but keeping those nasty chemicals at bay is important for taking care of you and baby when you’re pregnant.

Instead, paint the nursery months before baby’s arrival. Keep ventilating the room by opening up the windows as much as possible. If you want to reduce the nasty smell in the meantime, there is an old wives tale that recommends keeping onion in the room. Simply slice an onion and keep it in the room to help get rid of the smell!