
Guide to Standing out During an Audition

December 27, 2021

Regardless of your station in life, there will be times when you need an agent working for you. That may be an insurance agent for those purchasing life, car, or medical insurance. It could be a real estate agent when you are looking to buy or sell a property. When it comes to working, if you are an actor, having an agent is a significant step towards ensuring that you get work. Continue reading if you are considering acting and need an agent, as well as tips to stand out during your audition.

An acting agent plays a substantial role in your acting career. Your agent will:

  • Pitch you to casting directors.
  • Negotiate your contracts and salary.
  • Offer Career guidance.

There are six steps outlined below if you are ready and wondering how to get an acting agent.

  • Get your resume, headshot, and marketing materials together for an agent.
  • Do your research to get a successful agent and not a scam artist.
  • Make sure the agent is a good fit for you – your area as an actor.
  • Contact the agency that you are interested in.
  • Schedule a meeting – interview them as they interview you.
  • Build a great relationship with your agent.

Once you have nailed this major accomplishment, you are ready for auditions to show your skills to casting directors. A guide to ensuring you stand out at auditions is below.

Be On-Time

Much like a job interview in an office, it is noticeable if you are late to an audition. In addition to disrupting others who may be auditioning, being late shows disregard for rules and shows the director that your time is more valuable than theirs. Therefore, it is a good habit to show up at auditions at least 15 minutes before your actual audition time. You may be surprised and learn something about the role that you didn’t previously know or get a few extra minutes with someone who has some weight when making casting decisions.

Show Confidence

Confidence isn’t something that everyone is born with. It is also something that can be confused with cockiness. However, as an actor, confidence is since the business is fluid. Having and displaying confidence is a thumbs up in the acting industry because it shows that you are well aware of your abilities and ready to show them. Confidence is one of the main attributes that will get an actor noticed.

Be Prepared

Before your agent sends you out to audition, they will give you all the material you need to nail your audition; it is up to you to study it and portray that character. That may mean that you have to read the script repeatedly in a mirror or even role play with friends. Regardless of what it is, your agent has done his job in getting you the role. The rest is up to you and will take you far in your audition.

Dress Appropriately

You are a freelancer and control a lot of areas of your career. However, your goal as an actor is to impress others, including how you dress. When you are meeting with a casting director or anyone professionally, dressing appropriately is crucial. Do not show up for an audition dressed in your workout clothes or lounging clothing. That doesn’t mean that you have to wear a business suit. Dress comfortably enough to audition and equally comfortable to sit with the casting director.

Show Kindness

Although you are competing with other actors for the role, showing kindness goes a long way towards helping you stand out in the audition. If another actor does something unique, complement them. However, if another actor has a lousy audition, show encouragement and offer tips that have helped you.

Take Instructions and Direction

If you have studied the material and connected with the character you are auditioning for, it may be hard to change direction. However, if a casting director or someone in authority asks you to adjust something about your delivery, work to change direction and do what you ask. It will show that you have the range and can change quickly, but it shows that you have a cooperative spirit. That is a great way to stand out in an audition.

As you have read, having an agent is vital to your success as an actor, and six steps to getting one are listed above. Also, nailing your audition takes preparedness but there are other steps that actors can take. Some of them are above and are a great start for an actor.