
How to Plan And Promote Your Yard Sale

May 31, 2022
Community yard sale

Have too much stuff cluttering up your house? Want to find a way to get rid of it all without having to throw it all away? Well, why not have a yard sale?

Yard sales have been a classic method for selling off unused or unneeded items easily and conveniently for a quick buck. And the best part about them is that they don’t even require a lot of effort. All you need is a yard, garage, or any other open space to host your sale, and a great plan in place to help make your sale a hit. Luckily, we’re here to help you with that plan. Here’s how you can throw a successful yard sale at home.

1. Let people have a peak at what you’re selling

Yard sales are often very confusing for customers. There’s always so much to sell off, and while some people love the idea of coming by and browsing for something they’ll like, a lot of people prefer shopping for specific products and only stop by if those products are available. So why not make an active effort to show people that you have something available for everyone.

Go online with your yard sale preps and post snippets of everything you’re putting up for sale. You can make stories on Facebook and Instagram showing a quick glimpse of what you’re setting up. You can also take shots of some of your best items and list them down on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to show people what you have. Make sure to be creative and detailed with this method. Someone looking for high-end sneakers might not be interested if you just say you’re selling shoes, but might stop by if you mention that you’re selling a barely used pair of Adidas All Stars, and much more.

2. Make your own customized yard sale flyers

If you want your yard sale to be a hit, you need to spread the word that you’re having a yard sale, and make sure it reaches everyone in the neighborhood. And what better way to promote your yard sale than through custom-made yard sale flyers?

You can create your own custom yard sale flyers through online design tools like PosterMyWall and spread them around the locality to get people’s attention. For an ideal yard sale flyer, add the title of your yard sale at the top in bright, bold letters. Add your venue details and timings in equally bold lettering. Throw in some bright colors and fun imagery of yard sale items to gather attention. If your yard sale has a specific purpose, like fundraising for a charity, mention this in the flyer so people know that their participation will contribute to a worthy cause.

Once your flyer is complete, post it all over your social media and send it out to friends, family, and neighbors through email. You can also leave a stack at the local newspaper stand and grocery store so people can grab one while walking by.

3. Make signs to put up around your venue

On the day of the yard sale, you need a way to vamp up your venue to give it that yard sale vibe. You’ve already sent out your flyers and invitations, but you also need to be visible to any passersby that just happen to be walking by that area. Yard sales are famous for attracting random people with the fabulous, attention-grabbing displays they have.

Make your yard sale just as attention-grabbing by making yard sale signs and decor to put up all around the venue. Whether your venue is your backyard or a local community center, your decor should be inviting enough to encourage people to come in and browse. For this, you csn make your own yard sale signs and put them up on the outside of your venue.

Making your own yard sale signs shouldn’t be hard at all. Just get some poster boards, some colored markers, and bring a whole lot of creativity. Make sure your yard sale sign not only announces that you’re having a yard sale, but attracts a reader from far away and encourages them to come closer and check out what’s happening. Make the sign bright and colorful. You can add important details like the timings and the minimum price to attract people’s attention.

Another way is to customize the yard sale poster you created online earlier and get it printed so you can put it up across the venue for people to see. Having the same poster available at your venue that was used for earlier promotion will help build up familiarity and show people that they’re at the right place.

Final thoughts:

Yard sales are a fantastic way to raise some much needed funds quickly. Whether you’re fundraising for a worthy cause, or just looking to get rid of some old things that are of no use to you anymore, yard sales are a great method for both. Use these tips to make sure your yard sale is popular and sells out in a matter of minutes.