
Moths – What You Really Need To Know

March 14, 2019

Moths are usually likened to butterflies.  Although a lot of people don’t appreciate it, moths are actually helpful to the environment. They are one of the insects responsible for pollinating flowers, and providing food source for bigger animals.  There are over 160,000 species of moths all around the world, and only a few of them can actually cause damage into our home and only a few of them can actually cause harm to humans.  One specie that can kill a human is isolated in Britain.  Scientists believe that is a cause of climate change, in which the moth is forced to improvise and adapt to it new environment.

They are a lot of misconceptions about moths.  Apart from the myth that touching a moth’s wings, can damage it, inhibiting its ability to fly.  Some people also believe that by touching its wings, could kill them.  But moths are not as fragile as they seem.  The two common types of norms that infest homes are called the clothes moths and the pantry moths.  These two species can cause a lot of damage by living up to their names. The clothes moths is known to infest and damage clothing and fabrics. It can infiltrate our storage areas and cabinets, causing damage to our clothes and other garments.  A cousin of the clothes moths is the case making clothes moths are attracted to the silk cloth of cases. They chew irregularly shaped holes, just enough for one to get inside.  From then on, they secrete pheromones that can attract fellow clothes moths and damage your goods.

The pantry moth, also known as stored food moths are known for their ability to infest food.  Just like the clothes moths, pantry moths can bore holes too, so they can enter, and pave way for moths to infest.  If you’re having this kind of problem at home, you better check for larvae, and moth eggs on your food with damaged packaging.  You never know what kind of illness the eggs and larvae can bring to your family, especially when you have children around.  However, if your problem is the clothes and casemaking moths, regular vacuuming and cleaning is essential.  It is also vital to check the unused spaces of your home, and check if there are other insects residing on it.

Experts have concocted DIY tips on repelling moths from home.  In their studies, they have found that several plants can shoo away moths such as lavender, cloves, cinnamon, peppermint, thyme, rosemary, cedar, and orange. Dilute these extracts with water and vinegar, and spray it to places where moths are common.  As parents, homeowners, even business owners, we need to ensure the quality and safety of our goods and products.  With a clean and secure environment, you can ensure the sanitation of the food, and the quality of the clothes you wear or sell to the public.  If your moth infestation is getting out of hand, it is advisable to call the professionals to handle the situation especially if you live in Lake Norman.